How to Reuse or Recycle your Old Carpets?

Instead of tossing out old carpets during redecoration, consider repurposing them for various uses. Options include using them as pond liners, exercise mats, or as bedding for animals in shelters. Old carpets can also serve as anti-freeze windscreen covers, knee cushions for chores, or protective coverings for workshops. Additionally, they can be repurposed into DIY cat scratching posts or offered to friends and family. If all else fails, check with your local council for recycling options.

When redecorating either your house or workplace, out with the old and in with the new is often the approach taken to your existing furnishings, but when it comes to replacing your carpets, you shouldn’t just discard them in the skip.

With around 400,000 tonnes of waste carpet produced each year and a landfill diversion that has increased from 2% in 2008 to 28% in 2014, it’s time to start looking into ways in which carpet can be upcycled in order to provide the economy with a sustainable disposal opportunity.

woman holding a plant

Pond liner

Old carpet can provide the ideal lining for a new pond in your garden. Simply cut it to the right size and place at the bottom of the pond before the waterproof sheet is fitted.

Exercise mat

Cut your unwanted carpet to the right size for an exercise mat. This will provide comfort when doing any floor exercises, rather than managing on an uncomfortable, hard floor.

You can simply roll it up and store it upright somewhere when it isn’t being used.

Animal rescue shelters

Animal shelters will be grateful for any old carpet, as they can use them for mats and bedding for the animals.

This is particularly needed during the winter months when temperatures drop in dog kennels and catteries.

Anti-freeze windscreen cover

Cut a piece to fit the size of your car windscreen and place over the screen overnight in the winter to stop your windscreen freezing over.

This can save you no end of time in the morning when you’re rushing to get ready for work, as you won’t have to put time aside to defrost the car!

Knee protection

Using a small piece of carpet to kneel on when doing any jobs will help cushion your knees, so you can carry on with the job for longer without your knees suffering the consequences.

This is ideal for jobs such as scrubbing the floors, painting skirting boards, gardening etc.

close up of blue recycling bin

Workshop covering

Placing old carpet on your workbenches and around the floor underneath them will help protect any tools, or whatever you are working on, from any unwanted damage.

For instance, if they are accidentally dropped they will not hit a hard concrete surface and will be less likely to break.

Cat scratching post

Find a post and a board, attach the two together and staple pieces of carpet to it until the whole surface is covered. Place it near the sofa that your cat tends to scratch on and hopefully they will start using the scratching post instead!

If you can’t utilise your old carpet in any of the above ways then it’s always worth offering your old carpet to friends and family, as it might be just what they’re looking for! Failing this, you can always check whether your council will collect it or take it to your local recycling centre.

If you’re making improvement to your house and are looking for a new carpet to spruce the place up and give it a fresh feel, then you should consider contacting Brent Carpets.

Brent Carpets are the leaders in supplying quality carpets for those throughout Hampstead, Mill Hill, Hendon, Stanmore, Central and surrounding London areas.

Brent Carpet Company Ltd are one of London’s leading carpet fitters, offering a range of commercial carpets and flooring, including vinyl & laminates.

With an impression range of styles, colours and patterns, all our carpets are made to the highest quality and industry standards, so you can be sure to find a carpet that suits your requirements and at affordable prices too!

Simply call us today for more information.